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RangeTray TL-1 TL-1 Thumbless Mag Loader Made Of Polymer With Black Finish For 9mm Luger, 40 S&W S&W, Beretta, Walther

RangeTray TL-1 TL-1 Thumbless Mag Loader Made Of Polymer With Black Finish For 9mm Luger, 40 S&W S&W, Beretta, Walther


Regular price $15.44
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If you don't have strong hands, if you have dexterity issues or you really want to spend more time at the range without being limited by a simple factor like loading your magazine, the RangeTray "Thumbless" Magazine is the answer. NO pressing down and straining your thumb. NO squeezing a loader either. This Mag loader is compatible with the following models: Beretta Nano; Bersa BP40CC& BP9CC; Diamondback DB9; Kimber 1911 & 1911 Compact; Hi-Point 995 & 995TS; Honor Defense HG98RM; Kahr K9, P9, E9, MK9, CM9, PM9; Kimber Micro9 & Solo; Metal Form 1911; Rock Island Armory 1911; Smith & Wesson Shield; Sig Sauer P290; Springfield 1911 EMP; Walther PPS, PPS M2, PPS.

An advanced retention system provides an even distribution of weight, allowing a more comfortable fit

Advanced rail system- includes 2 Picatinny rail attachments (not detachable) with seven slots for secure equipment attachment.   

Includes 2 lanyards for stabilization of NVG, with the option to remove

Easy locking/unlocking adjustable straps

Includes durable, lightweight, NVG shroud, with a smooth finish to avoid catching on other objects 

12 padded inserts for optimal comfort

High-cut, Black or Green or Tan

Bullet protection as in accordance with NIJ standard 0101.06 against:

                      9mm FMJ RN
                    .44 magnum JSP

Weight: 3.0 lbs

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